Couldn'T Load Plugin
couldn't load plugin

couldn't load plugin

Navigate to the Microsoft PowerPoint node in the tree, and click to open it. Select the option to Add or Remove Features and click the Continue button. With the Microsoft Office entry selected, click the Change button to open the setup. Add the command sbiinit () to the console and execute it. A) No errors in the console. Switch to the console tab to check the javascript console.

We could read when we were five. My mum couldn't swim when she was a child. I couldn't run when I was a baby. Use the infinitive without to after could and couldn't. He could walk when he was two.

Couldn'T Load Plugin Code Snippet Is

Create a folder where is btscanner.exe ( my is c:\temp\BlueTouth )Run from command prompt windeployqt.exe as follow:C:\qt\qt5.9.0\msvc2015\bin\windeployqt c:\temp\BlueTouth/* windeplyqt is the standard Qt tool to packet your application with any neededLibraries or extra files and ready to deploy on other machine */C:\temp\BlueTouth\btscanner.exe 32 bit, release executableSkipping plugin qtvirtualkeyboardplugin.dll due to disabled dependencies.Direct dependencies: Qt5Bluetooth Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5WidgetsAll dependencies : Qt5Bluetooth Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5WidgetsTo be deployed : Qt5Bluetooth Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Svg Qt5WidgetsWarning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not set.Creating directory C:/temp/BlueTouth/iconengines.Creating directory C:/temp/BlueTouth/imageformats.Creating directory C:/temp/BlueTouth/platforms.Creating C:\temp\BlueTouth\translations. I fixed the problem by adding the plugin folder in the appropriate location: C:\Users\xxxx\.spyder-py3\My_QtProjects\Project 1\dist\MyQt_1\PySide2\I had the same issue with Qt 5.9 example btscanner.exe. See " Qt platform plugin "windows" #2" for more information.This code snippet is from the link: import osDirname = os.path.dirname(PySide2._file_)Plugin_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'plugins', 'platforms')Os.environ = plugin_pathThis solution works for PyQt5 and PySide2 modules.I don't know if it's relevant but I added the QT_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable in the system before.That solution enabled me to test PySide2 scripts in IDLE.However, I faced the same error when I tried to run a bundled script (exe).With some shallow debugging, it's evident that plugin folder itself is missing. This solution includes a code snippet to add before you import any modules from Pyside2 or PyQt5 package. Setting the QT_PLUGIN_PATH to the directory containing TexWorks' Qt DLLs (here C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64) fixed the problem for both programs.I have found a solution that worked for me. Once you get the message just click on check/download plugin.After setting the variable you might need to restart PyCharm, if the change does not have an immediate effect.Even though after that the command line Python worked, TexWorks (which uses Qt as well) displayed an error message very much like it.

couldn't load plugin